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How To Heal From Trauma

Two friends sit in grass and talk about how to heal from trauma

Trauma is a common mental health disorder that affects over 220 million people in the U.S.1 While it is treatable, many people don’t realize how their trauma is affecting them today. One of the safest ways in how to heal from trauma is by working with a behavioral therapist with experience treating trauma-related symptoms. They will develop a comprehensive treatment program using behavioral and holistic therapies along with medication to ease lingering symptoms.

At Outreach Recovery, our trauma therapy programs help people affected by childhood trauma or something more recent, like combat, natural disasters, or the sudden death of a loved one. Our therapy programs are tailored to the individual and focus on understanding the underlying trauma and dealing with the emotions and behaviors it triggers. Patients will learn healthier coping skills for managing their symptoms as well as other life skills that promote better mental health.

If you or a loved one needs help healing from trauma, call 888.897.9284 today to speak with our compassionate team about our trauma therapy programs.

Understanding Trauma and its Long-Term Effects

A traumatic event is any type of distressing situation that causes a severe emotional response that overwhelms and leaves a lasting impact. The psychological imprint it leaves can cause a person to relive the event again when triggered by something that reminds them of the event. Common causes of trauma include:

  • Natural disasters/climate change
  • Global pandemics
  • Wartime
  • Surviving a fatal accident
  • Bullying
  • Domestic and sexual abuse

Trauma triggers are specific to the person and the type of trauma. A loud noise can trigger a trauma response in someone who goes through combat. The smell of someone’s perfume or hearing their voice can trigger someone who has lost a loved one or is abused by that person. Walking down the school hallways can trigger students who are frequently bullied by others.

In some cases, a person who experiences trauma will not be affected by it until years later, which can make it very difficult to understand why they feel that way. No matter the type of trauma you experience or when symptoms begin to appear, healing from trauma is possible when you work with experienced trauma therapists.

Outreach Recovery supports individuals whose mental health is negatively affected by past trauma. Our therapy programs work to uncover the original traumatic event and teach patients a number of tips on healing from that trauma using behavioral and holistic therapies.

How to Heal From Trauma

While trauma is something you will live with for the rest of your life, healing from trauma is more than possible. Those who enroll in a trauma therapy program learn healthy coping skills for managing their symptoms and other necessary skills that will benefit them physically and mentally.

Check out these tips to heal from trauma that you can do every day:

1. Practice Self-Care

Taking care of your mental health is a number one priority, especially for those with trauma-related depression, anxiety, or substance abuse. Meditation and yoga can help strengthen the mind and body. Other self-care practices include:

  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Gardening
  • Healthy eating
  • Singing and dancing
  • Regular exercise
  • The occasional pampering day

2. Build a Routine

Having a set routine can help patients feel more stable and in control of their lives. Living by a set routine can reduce triggering situations, limit the risk of anxiety attacks or other disruptive symptoms, and reduce the risk of substance abuse. An unorganized life will lead to more chaos and greater chances of turning to drugs and alcohol for help.

3. Start a Daily Journal

Writing in a journal each day can be very therapeutic. It can help you analyze how you handle triggering situations and the coping skills that work best for you. This can be very beneficial as it allows you and your therapist to fine-tune your coping skills to specific situations that you still encounter.

4. Talk with a Trauma Therapist

One of the best ways in how to heal from trauma is by talking with a trauma therapist in group and private therapy sessions. They can help you better understand how the trauma affects you and what situations or people trigger your symptoms. Plus, they can teach you other skills for improving your mental health and learning how to deal with other stressful life occurrences.

These are just a few tips on how to heal your trauma. Enrolling in one of Outreach Recovery’s trauma therapy programs can help you develop a number of tips and coping skills to reduce the impact of trauma-related symptoms.

Outreach Recovery: Find Trauma Therapy Today

At Outreach Recovery, we support individuals and families who are affected by past or recent trauma and need help in managing their symptoms and triggers. Our programs focus on the specific trauma and any associated disorders that develop. Each program includes group and private therapy sessions or telehealth services.

To learn more about how to heal your trauma, fill out our online contact form with your questions or call 888.897.9284 today to schedule a consultation.


1. National Council for Behavioral Health