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Addiction Rehab In Prince Frederick, MD

Complete care, timely care

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Prince Frederick in Maryland is a comfortable and cozy coastal town established in 1722 and has a population of around 2,538.1 IfTwo women discuss addiction rehab in Prince Frederick MD you live in the area and struggle with addiction, finding addiction rehab in Prince Frederick, MD, can help you beat the addiction safely and with fewer chances of relapse. Treatment programs focus on the physical and mental aspects of addiction using proven therapeutic and medicinal methods and have a long track record of success.

Outreach Recovery offers addiction treatment in Prince Frederick MD, for those who are struggling with a substance use disorder and need help stopping the abuse before causing permanent harm. Our programs take into account each person’s background and life experiences along with the length and severity of the addiction to create a personalized treatment program.

To begin addiction treatment or mental health treatment in Prince Frederick, MD, call 888.897.9284 today to schedule a tour of our treatment center.

Knowing When It’s Time for Addiction Therapy

Addiction is a mental health disorder that affects tens of millions of teens and adults each year. Despite the known dangers, people continue to abuse alcohol and recreational and illegal drugs. In fact, overindulging in drugs or alcohol has become a rite of passage for many young adults.

If you use drugs or alcohol on a regular or daily basis, you will develop a physical dependence and addiction. When this happens, it can be very difficult to stop without experiencing painful withdrawals and intense cravings for more drugs or alcohol. When should you enroll in an addiction rehab program? Here are some common signs that a friend or loved one is struggling with addiction:

  • They have to consume more to feel the same level of intoxication
  • Every time you see them, they are intoxicated or planning to be soon
  • They bring drugs or alcohol to day-time events or get-togethers
  • Work, school, or personal responsibilities begin to suffer
  • They use money for bills and living expenses to buy more drugs or alcohol
  • They’ve tried quitting before but relapsed
  • Their mental or physical health is at risk

If you recognize any of these signs in a friend or loved one, talking with them about their substance abuse can open their eyes to the harm they are causing. At Outreach Recovery, our addiction rehab in Prince Frederick, MD, welcomes all people who struggle with addiction. We work closely with each patient to better understand the reasons behind the abuse so that we can develop a more effective recovery experience.

Finding Addiction Rehab in Prince Frederick, MD

Addiction is a treatable illness of the mind and body. If this is your first time enrolling in addiction rehab in Prince Frederick, MD, here is what you can expect from the program:

Health Assessment

At the start of the program, therapists will run a full health assessment to determine your current health, the severity of the addiction, and other vital information. They will develop a personalized treatment program based on their unique circumstances that will involve group and private therapy sessions.

Group and Private Therapy Sessions

During private therapy sessions, you will work one-on-one with a therapist to uncover the root cause of the abuse and identify your personal triggers. They will use behavioral therapies to teach you how to stop your cravings from consuming you by replacing the triggered behaviors with something more healthy, like reciting a personal mantra, meditating, or calling a sober friend.

In group therapy sessions, you will participate in group discussions, role-playing games, and other activities. These group activities allow you to practice coping and communication skills, build your confidence in staying sober, and work on building healthy relationship traits.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Treatment programs utilize medication to ease addiction withdrawals, cravings, and other symptoms that contribute to the addiction. Medical staff will administer specific dosages based on each patient’s treatment plan. They will monitor them for any adverse reactions throughout the program, and when the symptoms begin to fade, so will the need to continue medical treatment. Staff will begin to taper patients off the medication slowly to avoid any negative side effects.

For those struggling with addiction or other mental health disorders, enrolling in mental health treatment in Prince Frederick, MD, is the safest way to treat substance use disorders. In addition to treating the addiction, patients learn several healthy life skills that promote long-lasting sobriety and good mental health.

Outreach Recovery: Find Addiction Treatment in Prince Frederick, MD, Today

Our outpatient treatment center at Outreach Recovery welcomes Maryland residents who are addicted to alcohol, heroin, meth, or other addictive substances and are ready for a positive change.

For more information about our therapy programs in Prince Frederick, MD, call 888.897.9284 today or use our online contact form to schedule a tour and consultation.


1. Prince Frederick, MD